Light Source Academy of Technology's athletes work very hard to prepare for the athletics season. The athletes start preparing for next year's season in October of each year, when they participate in the Naboomspruit Top 10 Athletics Meeting and the JJJ Meeting. It requires a lot of hard training and perseverance from every athlete. Ligbron participates in various friendly athletics events before the big TWK Inter High Invitational event. Ligbron, Ermelo High School, Rob Ferreira High School, Oosterland High School, Middelburg High School, Heidelberg Volkskool, Lydenburg High School and HTS Witbank are the eight schools participating in the Inter High. Athletes and coaches set goals for themselves, as well as for the team, that they want to achieve during the Inter High. Ligbron's athletics is growing every year and our athletes are achieving great success.
Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se atlete werk baie hard om voor te
berei vir die atletiekseisoen. Die atlete begin reeds in Oktober van
elke jaar met voorbereiding vir die volgende jaar se seisoen, wanneer
hulle aan die Naboomspruit Top 10 Atletiekbyeenkoms en die JJJ Byeenkoms
deelneem. Dit verg baie harde oefening en deursettingsvermoë van elke
atleet. Ligbron neem aan verskeie vriendskaplike atliekbyeenkomste deel
voor die groot TWK Interhoër Uitnodigingsbyeenkoms. Ligbron, Hoërskool
Ermelo, Hoërskool Rob Ferreira, Hoërskool Oosterland, Hoërskool
Middelburg, Heidelberg Volkskool, Hoërskool Lydenburg en HTS Witbank is
die agt skole wat aan die Interhoër deelneem. Atlete en afrigters stel
vir hulself, asook vir die span, doelwitte wat hulle tydens die
Interhoër wil bereik. Ligbron se atletiek groei jaarliks en ons atlete
behaal groot sukses.