Ligbron Academy's learners can now use all the different functions that a virtual classroom can offer to their advantage to access teaching, anytime and anywhere.
DigiCampus enables students to access teacher lessons, summaries, notes as well as videos of lessons where a teacher discusses each chapter in detail. Learners will be able to use an online library where various other resources such as textbooks and previous question papers are available.
Online assessment can also be done by teachers. Learners will be able to upload documents to the teacher and also get access to the teacher's calendar for dates where homework and assignments must be completed.
Ligbron se eie aanlyn leerplatform
In 2005 het Ligbron die behoefte geïdentifiseer om onderwys digitaal te transformeer en het ons onvermoeid daaraan gewerk om alle klaskamers met tegnologie toe te rus. In 2022 het ons ’n aanlyn leerplatform saamgestel om onderwys na die vierde industriële revolusie te neem. Ligbron Akademie het digital getransformeer aangesien Generation Z (gebore 1995 tot 2015) 'n ander manier van leer benodig as die tradisionele manier van onderrig.
Visit the Ligbron online learning platform Besoek die Ligbron aanlyn leerplatform